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  • 如何解决汽车冲压件表面易损坏的问题?

    2019-07-25 09:43:58
  • What are the Common Anti-corrosion Treatment Methods for Automobile Stamping Parts?

    2019-07-05 15:38:00
    Precision stamping die can be classified into three categories as follows: engineering die, also known as "single process die", refers to the die that can only complete one stamping process in one stroke of stamping. After the completion of this project, it is necessary to take the product out of the mould manually or with a manipulator, and then put it into the mould of the next station to continue production, until the latter process of the mould is completed, the whole product is not completed. Mould maintenance is simple, but the production is time-consuming and laborious, which requires more labor and time costs, and the rejection rate of products is high.
  • 汽车冲压件在生产过程中的现象是什么?

    2019-07-05 15:25:02
  • 汽车零部件冲压件的检验方法有哪些?

    2019-07-05 15:15:43
    汽车零件冲压件的测试方法如下: 触摸测试:用干净的纱布擦拭外壳表面。检查人员需要戴上触摸手套,以沿着冲压部分垂直靠近冲压部分的表面进行触摸。这种检查方法取决于检查员的经验。如有必要,可将可疑区域打磨并用油石检查,但这是一种有效且快速的检查方法。
  • What are the Applications of Separating and Forming Processes on Automotive Stamping Parts?

    2019-07-05 14:53:40
    Stamping process can be roughly divided into separation process and forming process (also divided into bending, deep drawing, forming) two categories. Separation process is to separate stamping parts and blanks along a certain contour line in the stamping process, and the quality of the separated section of stamping parts must meet certain requirements. Forming process is to make the stamping blanks plastic deformation without destroying and transform into the required finished product shape, and also to meet the requirements of the size of the common. Poor and other requirements.
  • What Methods Can Prevent Rusting of Automobile Sheet Metal?

    2019-07-05 14:45:44
    In the production process of automobile sheet metal parts, there are certain requirements for stamping technology and stamping die. In high-speed stamping equipment and multi-function stamping die, only "high-speed" and "multi-function" can not meet the production requirements, only to achieve continuous conveying of sheet metal to stamping machine and stamping die, and stamped sheet metal workpiece can be removed from the stamping die and conveyed to the next stamping worker in a very short time.
  • How to Deal With the Rusting of Automobile Sheet Metal Processing Console?

    2019-07-05 14:36:57
    Metal plastic forming is a process in which metal materials are processed by means of their plastic properties to give them the desired shape. After forming, the structure and properties of metal materials are improved and improved.
  • Is the Anti-collision Beam of Automotive Parts the Fundamental Factor to Ensure the Safety of Personnel in the Car?

    2019-07-05 14:19:09
    The anti-collision beam of automotive parts is by no means the fundamental factor to ensure the safety of the personnel in the car, but it is meaningful to the safety. Its function is reflected in the low-speed collision, while in the high-speed accident, the anti-collision beam of automotive parts is powerless.
  • Does the Price of Automobile Stamping Part Include the Price of Die?

    2019-07-05 11:45:32
    It is obvious that the necking of automobile stamping parts is difficult to detect. First of all, the mechanism of material deformation is understood. The process of material stretching and plastic deformation is mainly composed of three stages: uniform elongation stage, local elongation stage and cracking stage.
  • 如何检测汽车冲压件的质量?

    2019-07-05 11:19:12
  • How to Punch and Bend Automobile Stamping Parts?

    2019-07-05 11:11:38
    Generally speaking, the working rhythm of stamping machine determines the production rhythm of stamping production line. The working time of the feeding and unloading mechanism and the workpiece conveying mechanism of the stamping production line should coincide with the stamping time of the stamping machine tool. In order to reduce or eliminate the assistant time of punching machine and die as much as possible, the loading and unloading device of sheet metal and the transport mechanism of workpiece must be able to complete the tasks of loading and unloading and conveying of workpiece as soon as possible so as to reduce the downtime of punching production line.
  • 汽车钣金零件中某些色带设计的要点和注意事项

    2019-07-05 10:52:38
  • 如何处理汽车钣金表面?

    2019-07-05 10:43:54
  • Basic Coating of Joint Surface of Automobile Sheet Metal Parts

    2019-07-05 10:23:02
  • Repair of Automobile Sheet Metal Parts and Correction of Beams

    2019-07-03 14:53:51
    ​Body straightening refers to the process of repairing parts damaged by accident or fatigue to the "state" of the technical standard when the vehicle leaves the factory through a certain external force.
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